Member-only story
Is This the Year You Write?
A book, a blog post, an article… Put your ideas out in the world.

Is this the year you take up your pen, metaphorically or physically, for a cause that you believe in?
Is this the year you write that article, or share an opinion piece with the local paper about a topic that you care deeply about?
Will you write a blog post that will help dozens or hundreds of people? Or learn how to do a podcast and invite someone you’ve always wanted to talk with?
Will you start that book you’ve been meaning to write?
Is this the year you stop being a bystander and start participating—amplifying important ideas or adding your own into the mix?
If so, start now. Jump in.
Don’t wait for the stars to align and the perfect book thesis to alight in your brain. Don’t wait to finish every last shred of research. You can keep researching even as you write.
Get started.
Start small and keep moving.
Identify the logical first (or next) step and do it.
If your project is huge, focus on the first thing. What’s one thing you can do this week to…