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Adopting a Writing Mindset
Immersing yourself in a writing project changes the way you see the world around you.

Want to see the world like a poet? Try taking a class on writing poetry.
Some years back, I took a creative writing/poetry class in a continuing education program, to counter-balance my corporate writing work.
The weekly assignments kept me on my toes. Looking for inspiration, I started noticing unexpected connections, mood shifts, and undercurrents to find fodder for a poem.
Committing to write poetry inspired me to pay attention like a poet.
Something similar happens when I am absorbed in writing a book: I see its themes everywhere. (This is part of the immersion that I wrote about in this post on finding one’s pace.)
When you delve into a writing project (or any creative endeavor), it’s like acquiring a set of glasses you can use to see the world differently. That fresh perspective might be a healthy thing right now.
Summoning the writing mindset
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